The couple decided from the concepts each chef came up with for the short challenge and decided to go with Leann's menu. The Top Chef contestants decided to make a wedding cake out of store bought cake mix. Tom Colicchio caught Tiffani with a box of cake mix. She came clean and said that it was a group decision to use the cake mix boxes. Stephen wanted no part of the wedding cake box mix dillema or the desserts and focused of course on the wine and the front of the house. He also prepared a dish in the back, but neglected to peel the stickers off of his serving spoons. Instead he just kept disappearing. Leann won the short challenge, so they were following her menu. Harold was concentrating on his salmon with salad dish, but was unhappy with how it tasted. Dave's dish went out to the diner's first and than he kept jumping in to help everyone. This was not Dave's first catered affair or wedding, so he had the most experience in this type of event. Tiffani worked on her dish and helped out with the other dishes and kept quiet except to ask where is Stephen? Tiffani's big problem is when she says something stupid at the elimination table about her opinions, that is the time to stay quiet. She obviously has strong beliefs. Harold on the other hand is almost always quiet, except tonight he said he would pick Stephen to go home not Leann. Everyone on the team had the same thought Stephen needs to pack his knives and go, but that was up to the judges. Would they send Leann home for not guiding the team through her vision or Harold for messing up the salmon? They were only given 24 hours real hours not the show 24 hours to pull together a very nice wedding reception. I think for the time allotted it appeared like beautiful food, but I was not there to taste it. I could just tell from the judges and the look on their faces that the wedding cake was a disaster too sweet. They paired the cake with a very sweet curd. The salmon was considered the worst dish by the couple and that was Harold's dish. Tom Colicchio believes in Harold and know he can cook. Who was asked to go this week? Yeah it's Stephen! Pack your knives and go. He gives this speech where he is going to be the best chef in America and he is going to change everything. He sounded like he was giving a Miss America speech. I can not stand Stephen! He is so arrogant and full of himself. Were down to Leann, Tiffani, Harold and Dave. Who do you think will win Top Chef and the $100,000 dollars plus prizes?

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I don't follow the show, but I'm really happy to hear Harold is still on! He's a friend of my uncle and aunt, and I've met him a couple of times and I really hope he wins. :)
I like Harold too. He seems like a nice guy and a great chef. I think that Leann is going to win, but I would like Harold to win.
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