Saturday, April 22, 2006

Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail!

I love shrimp and this was one of the best shrimp cocktails ever. If you have the opportunity and you are in Portland, Oregon go to the Chart House it is juicy!
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John Burkholder said...

Good Day Tami. First, I wanted to say, that baked Alaska looks delicious! I will take two. Check please!

The wedding cake looks masterfully. I grew up in a bakery (Mom and Dad own bakeries all over the country) so the fact you appear to lean toward pastry chef is VERY cool.

Thank for visiting the site.

John Burkholder said...

Oh, by the way. If you get a chance to come to Chicago, we have some of the very best restaraunts in the country (and about 4 or 5 culinary arts schools).