Saturday, July 30, 2005

Word of the Day for Saturday July 30, 2005

caesura \sih-ZHUR-uh; -ZUR-\, noun;
plural caesuras or caesurae \sih-ZHUR-ee; -ZUR-ee\:

1. A break or pause in a line of verse, usually occurring in
the middle of a line, and indicated in scanning by a double
vertical line; for example, "The proper study || of mankind is
man" [Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man].
2. Any break, pause, or interruption.

After an inconclusive day spent discussing the caesura of
"Sonnet"'s opening line, Luke and his colleagues went for
cocktails at Strabismus.
--Martin Amis, [1]Heavy Water and Other Stories

The crucial event of the Robedaux family occurs offscreen,
in a narrative caesura between the film's two "acts."
--Richard Corliss, "The Patter of Little Footes," [2]Time,
May 13, 1985

Say her name today in the right circles and you'll notice a
sudden intake of breath, a caesura of pure awe.
--Michael Dirda, "In which our intrepid columnist visits
the Modern Language Association convention and reflects on
what he found there," [3]Washington Post, January 28, 2001

During the historical caesura between the total destruction
of Aquileia and the seventh-century foundation of the city
of Heraclea as the first political capital of the second
Venice, the refugees lived on Grado and the other islands,
just as Cassiodorus had seen them: humbly, simply, and by
the toil of their hands.
--Patricia Fortini Brown, [4]Venice and Antiquity

Caesura comes from Latin caesura, "a cutting off, a division,
a stop," from the past participle of caedere, "to cut."

Cocoa the Pug!

Cocoa the Pug!
Originally uploaded by taminsea1.

Cocoa the Pug and Me!

Cocoa the Pug and Me!
Originally uploaded by taminsea1.

Mom and Tami at my Culinary School Graduation!

Dad, Me and my Brother Jonathan at the dinner after my Culinary School Graduation!

Enchanteur Francais: The Restaurant I designed before Graduation!

Duck ala Orange with Potato Galette and Braised Greens that I prepared for my final before Graduation!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Mom and Tami

Mom and Tami
Originally uploaded by taminsea1.

Self Portrait Tuesday Tami

Self Portrait Tuesday Tami
Originally uploaded by taminsea1.

Self Portrait Tuesday

Self Portrait Tuesday
Originally uploaded by taminsea1.

The Park by my Mom's House that I used to walk and ride my bike when I lived in Vegas!

Jonathan and Mom

Jonathan and Mom
Originally uploaded by taminsea1.

Tami and Her Brother Bill

Tami and Her Brother Bill
Originally uploaded by taminsea1.

Space Needle Up Close and Personal!

Nicky Hilton

nicky hilton
Originally uploaded by Lola8.
I love her Hello Kitty tank top. Hello Kitty was my favorite when I was a kid. Nicky Hilton is very beautiful and a talented designer of clothing and handbags!!!

Paris Hilton

paris hilton
Originally uploaded by Lola8.
I have been a fan of Paris Hilton, since she starred in Celebrities Uncensored. She loves to be photographed and it shows. I think she is beautiful and smarter than most people even know. I love her show Simple Life 1 and the sequels. Her new commercial for Carl's Jr. is controversial, but I think if you got it flaunt it. I think she is suffering form overexposure from the media, but I like her sense of her self and her sense of style. She has kept her sense of humor through all of her problems. Keep entertaining us Paris, but stay away from amateur home movies and save your talent for television and the big screen.

Katie Holmes

katie holmes
Originally uploaded by Lola8.
The better half of Tom Cruise!!! I grew up with Tom Cruise movies, but now he is pushing Scientology and is against medications that help people. Personally, I think Tom is acting Psychotic and Manic and belongs in a mental hospital.

Christina Applegate

christina applegate
Originally uploaded by Lola8.

Kate Bosworth

kate bosworth
Originally uploaded by Lola8.

Brittany Murphy

brittany murphy
Originally uploaded by Lola8.

Pappy in front of the Space Needle!

Beautiful Day for the Space Needle!

Space Needle Up Close and Personal!

Seattle Space Needle!

Seattle Space Needle!
Originally uploaded by taminsea1.

Pappy watching a John Cusack movie at the Sports Bar and Grill near the Space Needle!

Pappy in front of the Space Needle!

Blue Skye backgroud perfect for the giant Space Needle in Seattle!

Seattle Space Needle!

Seattle Space Needle!
Originally uploaded by taminsea1.

Choose Your PASSION

Choose Your PASSION
Originally uploaded by Ziko.

Demi Moore

demi moore
Originally uploaded by Lola8.

Carmen Electra

carmen electra
Originally uploaded by Lola8.

Julie Walsh Wedding Cakes!

Julie Walsh Wedding Cakes!
Originally uploaded by taminsea1.

Wedding Cake By Julie Walsh an England Baker & Cake Decorator!

World Pastry Forum Dessert!

World Pastry Forum Dessert!
Originally uploaded by taminsea1.

I Love My Pappy!

I Love My Pappy!
Originally uploaded by taminsea1.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Car Accident

I was driving with my brother Jonathan in the front passenger seat and my father Milton in the rear passenger seat in Sumner, Washington when a drunk driver hit my Jeep Grand Cherokee. I was flung forward and back and had an immediate headache and severe neckache. My neck was burning from the pain and I guess the inflammation. The other driver said I was driving too slow, because I was going the speed limit. He was driving at least twenty miles over the speed limit. He told my Father it was my fault, than my father asked him how much he had to drink. I was in the right lane on a two-way highway and he started to tailgate, so I moved to the left lane and he followed behind me than slammed into the back of the jeep. I was in shock I did not think someone would hit me, I was driving along fine minding my own business and he claimed he could not stop in time. The emergency room Doc said there was no way someone could hit us like that unless they were drunk or driving without paying any attention to the road. The fact that my vehicle was an SUV saved my brother and dad from injury. I was injured and went to the emergency room with severe whiplash, but it could have been worse. I am so grateful that my brother and dad were not hurt. I went to the Doctor this morning and she gave me medications and has me on bed rest, thank god for my laptop. I am starting physical therapy in a week. Thanks to my family for praying for my healing. The ironic part is I did not even want to go to dinner last night as I wanted to stay home with my Pug who has been sick. It has been a shity week with the water heater bursting, the Pug being sick and the car accident, but I think my luck is going to change.
Thanks for any comments.

Jolt Cola!

Jolt Cola
Originally uploaded by parl.
I have had a Jolt twice in my life. When I needed the extra massive caffeine. It would have came in handy in Culinary School, but than I just consumed Coca-Cola.


Hoverdog (crop)
Originally uploaded by natural gas.
Buffy running at the dog park in the air like an aircraft. I loved this photograph, so I decided to post it in my blig it is someone else's doggie.

Passion Fruit Creme Brulee

Passion Fruit Creme Brulee
Originally uploaded by pastrylife.
My friend J on pastrylife made this dessert.

Chocolate by Chef Jean-Pierre Wybauw

Carrot Ginger Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting and Candied Carrot Sprinkles

I liked how this photograph of the Carrot Ginger Cupcake has such a beautiful background. Good Work chockylit my friend on flickr.

Sugar Showpiece from the 2005 World Pastry Forum!

Plated Desserts!

Plated Dessert
Originally uploaded by taminsea1.


Originally uploaded by taminsea1.

Bread Showpieces and Assorted Breads!

Assorted Breads!

Assorted Breads!
Originally uploaded by taminsea1.

Rooster Bread Showpiece and an Assortment of Breads!

Sunday, July 24, 2005


Originally uploaded by Doggies Are From Heaven.
Gorilla group adolescent male at the Bronx Zoo, NY


Originally uploaded by Doggies Are From Heaven.
Gorilla group mature female at Bronx Zoo, NY. I love Gorillas!!!!

You are awesome

you are awesome
Originally uploaded by Happy Little Portland.
Albuquerque's most famous sign!